Herschel-PACS spectrometer: Separate on-source and off-source cubes available
Users can access and download the new data products through the Herschel Science Archive.
The EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting is currently taking place in Geneva
with several contributions by ESA planetary mission scientists and ESDC representatives.
In particular, there will be a special splinter session related to Rosetta data on Tuesday, September 17.
The aim of the splinter session is to make the attendees familiar and as autonomous as possible with Rosetta archive data,
so that they can quickly carry out their own cometary science studies.
The target audience is cometary and small body scientists, as well as members of the broader planetary community,
with the aim of making them aware of the data products available in the Rosetta archive,
to promote usage of those data.
The workshop will begin with a short presentation of the ESA Planetary Science Archive as a whole
and on the Rosetta archive in particular.
This will be followed by presentations from a few select instrument teams who will give a brief overview of their archive data,
to provide instrument level insights into data access.
Following this, we aim to have a more interactive section focusing on a published event,
which will allow attendees to gain experience in interacting with the archive data.
All are welcome to attend.
Image: ESA
Users can access and download the new data products through the Herschel Science Archive.
This parameter is now available as a separate table, but will be included in the main catalogue table in future releases.
New Mars Express MARSIS and ASPERA-3 datasets and a large batch of Rosetta RSI data have been delivered in the last two months.
Your feedback is important to improve the Astronomy archives!
Most PACS spectroscopy standard pipeline-generated products are background-subtracted.
If one wished to compare the on-source to the off-source data separately,
it would be necessary to re-process the data in HIPE.
This has been done, and the resulting on-source and off-source cubes are provided
as Highly Processed Data Products (HPDP) through the Herschel Science Archive.
For each observation, for each camera and each wavelength slice in the observation,
one "equidistant mosaic cube" of the on-source pointing and one (for the unchopped mode) or two (for the chop-nod mode) cubes of the off-source pointings are provided.
In addition to the FITS files and the postcards for each observation,
the scripts that were used to create these HPDPs are available in the Herschel legacy data repository area.
These can be used to create alternative versions of the HPDP cubes,
following the advice in the Release Note
and in the related Technical Note,
which explains what to do if you find "contamination" in your off-source data.
Image: ESA/Herschel SOC
Since July 2019, following a decision made by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) and ESA,
an official release of the renormalised unit weight error (RUWE) data is available in the Gaia Archive along with the Gaia DR2 data.
Up to now, this parameter, widely used to estimate the quality of Gaia astrometric measurements,
had to be computed by users following the recipes given in the technical note GAIA-C3-TN-LU-LL-124-01,
available from the Gaia documentation page.
With RUWE available in the Gaia archive makes it easier for users to select objects with good quality astrometry.
More details can be found from the Gaia DR2 known issues page.
Currently the RUWE data can be found as a separate table,
but will be provided in the gaia_source table from the next Gaia data release (Gaia EDR3) onwards.
The Mars Express mission continues its regular data deliveries to the Planetary Science Archive (PSA). Since mid-July, the following datasets have been added:
This is the last week to reply to our user survey!
Have you not done it yet, we would be very grateful if you could spend a few minutes of your time filling it.
The survey includes questions on the archives of EXOSAT, Gaia, Herschel, HST, ISO, Lisa Pathfinder, Planck, XMM-Newton and the ESASky tool.
It should not take more than 5 minutes to complete.
Thank you very much for helping us in providing the Astronomy community with the best possible services from the ESA Astronomy science archives.
Image: Pixabay